Last week, John Angelos presented to CareFirst’s “Parents of Teens & Young Adults Committee” regarding Legal Considerations for the new Maryland Driver. John discussed several keys issues which we have highlighted below. If you have a group of young people that you think would benefit from a discussion on this topic, feel free to contact us. Also, click here to get more information on a Young Driver Safety Program being hosted by the Baltimore County Fire and Police departments on October 19th.
1st Traffic Stop – Mistakes are both human and normal, remember to have the following documents in your car: divers license, registration, proof of insurance. A reminder, you can be “stopped” , even if you are parked, and the engine is off.
1st Accident – Accidents happen. If one does occur while you are behind the wheel, your first step should be to call your parent or guardian. Try not to be intimidated, these are stressful situations for everyone involved. At a minimum, take pictures of the damage sustained to both vehicles, the license plate of the other car, and make sure to get the name of the other driver. If the police are on the scene, make sure you get the name of the police officer present.
Don’t Drive Distracted – The phone call or text message can wait. If your car does not have Bluetooth connectivity, try turning your phone off before you drive to avoid any tempting distractions. Also, if you know someone is driving, wait to call or text them until after they have finished their drive.